I trust that everyone will have a wonderful day today.
The above 4 postings were fun to make. The boy paper is extremely colorful and bold print. I cut the bullseye in half and added it to each base sheet. That gave each layout an interesting focal point. The navy and red Bazzill paper just highlighted and accented the print.
The card, Amazing Grace, started out as just a 12x12 sheet of paper. On the inside of the card it says, how sweet the sound. Any occasion would be fitting for sending this card.
The sweet baby layout is just playful and creates a place for a grouping of 7 pictures around the center photo. The center is accented by the adhesive paper lace from Around The Block. Love this product. The lace is white, paper and comes in 4 different patterns. You can color, chalk, or do anything to change the color and add color to it. Very good product.
Thank you for checking in with me today. Have a wonderful day and keep scrapping!