It is my pleasure to bring to you a blog site full of ideas, projects and techniques. Please take your time to go through it. You are more than welcome to use my ideas for your own personal use. I do ask that you do not use my ideas for submissions to contests, publications or to sell. I would love to see any ideas of mine created by you. I will be more than pleased to display them here on my blog. Please be aware that some of my acrylic books have been copyrighted and cannot be copied.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


It is finally done. This is the third acrylic Christmas scrapbook that I have made this year. Kind of Christmas in JULY! I made them early so if anyone should want to order them, I will have plenty of time to make and ship them.

The acrylic stocking comes bare with only the protective film on it. I then painted, inked and glittered mine. Actually this stocking was very fun and easy to decorate. Just remember you can see almost all of the layers so your layouts should reflect that. I will be posting this and the snowman on my "order acrylics now" page. You can access that by just clicking on it to the right of this posting.

I hope you enjoy my acrylics as much as I do. They are fun to make and design. Take your time to look at them. I have even more acrylic books in the early archives of this blog. Just click on them and they will come up.

Have a great day and if there is any way you need me to help you with a project, just ask. I will be glad to advise anyway I can.
Remember try something new today, and happy scrappin'.