The above book is so cute and darling, every baby boy needs one. Really, it was a joy to work on this book and bring to life a sweet tribute to a special baby boy. The cover outlines the pant shaped book with sleeves. The large buttons bring attention to the "boyishness" of the book. There are just enough embellishments added to stand out and bring attention to a very nice book.
The paper is nicely coordinated and very colorful. Ribbons and flowers have been added for interest.
The book was made for Want 2 Scrap (www.want2scrap.com) and you can purchase the kit on their website. I will be coming out with a number of new books and take your time to look at them.
Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and I will be blogging more often now. The last 2 months have been extremely busy with not only holidays but a lot of necessary traveling.
Remember to try something new today and happy scrappin'.