It is my pleasure to bring to you a blog site full of ideas, projects and techniques. Please take your time to go through it. You are more than welcome to use my ideas for your own personal use. I do ask that you do not use my ideas for submissions to contests, publications or to sell. I would love to see any ideas of mine created by you. I will be more than pleased to display them here on my blog. Please be aware that some of my acrylic books have been copyrighted and cannot be copied.

Saturday, March 29, 2008


Toads, bugs & flowers. This paper was so cute I could not resist. I chose my base and accent paper, proceeded to cut out the flowers, bugs and toads. The flowers are a mixture of fake and the ones I cut out. The bugs are enjoying the flowers and the toads are overseeing the whole page. Just a simple and sweet way to frame your photos.

Try something new today. Have a wonderful weekend.