A week ago I had this weird idea to make an acrylic book using "out of the ordinary" stuff. I have finally started. So far I have used metallic tape, newspaper, embroidery floss, button and edgers. Actually I am designing as I work on it. I started out by pulling papers and making my paper quilt. Once I had my colors picked I began to formulate the design. The metallic tape was cut into 9" strips then edged with a swirl edge. Very nice edge. I then attached it to the cover. On the side I used just the plain strip of tape. Over that I attached complimentary ribbon. The flower was then cut out of metal mesh and outlined with embroidery floss. I used super glue to attach it to the 1" paper circle. Another paper circle was put on top and then they were sewn together.
On the page behind the cover I pieced together a flower made of newspaper, attached it and put a mat on top of it for journaling or the name of the book.
That is it so far, I will keep you up to date as I go. Should be fun. Have fun and try something new today. Happy scrappin'.
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