It is my pleasure to bring to you a blog site full of ideas, projects and techniques. Please take your time to go through it. You are more than welcome to use my ideas for your own personal use. I do ask that you do not use my ideas for submissions to contests, publications or to sell. I would love to see any ideas of mine created by you. I will be more than pleased to display them here on my blog. Please be aware that some of my acrylic books have been copyrighted and cannot be copied.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Like they say, "A cup of tea and thee". I just had to share with you the tea set at the top of the page and my favorite place for a cup.

In Springfield, Tennessee is the sweetest little tea shop. It is located in the old downtown district in a vintage building. There are only about 20 tables and lots of ambiance. Each table is covered with vintage lace doilies or table clothes. The food and tea are served in old china, silver and napkins. The menu is simple but well liked by mostly women that go there. From little tea sandwiches, salads and of course English scones with clotted cream. WOW! I am in love with this place! I came home and checked on line so I could make scones, too. Believe me my scones were not even close, and I think I am a pretty good cook. I am sure that the atmosphere and the person(s) you choose to share the experience with is half of it.

This morning I just wanted to give you something a little different from the usual. I thoroughly enjoyed my experience at "the tea shop" and wanted to share. If you have one in or close to where you live give it a shot. I bet you will relax and enjoy every minute as I did.

Have a great day today and try something new.
Happy scrappin'.