It is my pleasure to bring to you a blog site full of ideas, projects and techniques. Please take your time to go through it. You are more than welcome to use my ideas for your own personal use. I do ask that you do not use my ideas for submissions to contests, publications or to sell. I would love to see any ideas of mine created by you. I will be more than pleased to display them here on my blog. Please be aware that some of my acrylic books have been copyrighted and cannot be copied.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

I really like this album. There are so many large mats for photos of the family and the special times together we all remember. The beautiful browns, beige's, golds and other shades of brown just add to the timeless beauty of this album. There are also
many doodles and flourishes by Heidi Grace Designs. The Heidi rub ons are the best. They always come off easy and never separate. I have used many different kinds, but these are the best.
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and now you not only have precious memories, but lots of photos to scrap. If I can ever be of assistance just email me or leave a comment and I will gladly answer.
Have a wonderful day.
Tea 4 Two Originals Design Team Leader
Scrappersaurus Design Team


Shelley said...

Love this family album, it's so pretty! Actually I like all your acrylic albums.

Shelley said...
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