It is my pleasure to bring to you a blog site full of ideas, projects and techniques. Please take your time to go through it. You are more than welcome to use my ideas for your own personal use. I do ask that you do not use my ideas for submissions to contests, publications or to sell. I would love to see any ideas of mine created by you. I will be more than pleased to display them here on my blog. Please be aware that some of my acrylic books have been copyrighted and cannot be copied.

Friday, February 6, 2009

In the middle of the summer of August 2007. Can we just say 'beautiful'. The lake was so calm, the breeze was slight and the sweet aroma in the air of just being at the lake. It seems to have its own unique smells and sounds. Even when there are no boats or other water craft buzzing on the water, the calm and serene feeling will overcome you oh so fast. I would sit on the dock in a lawn recliner and just snooze or stare out across the water and thoroughly enjoy the moment.
Waneta Lake is one of the smaller Finger Lakes. Seneca Lake is the largest then Keuka, Cayuga, Waneta and Lamoka. There are vast fields of vineyards, fruit and produce. Many are sold around the lakes at fruit/vegetable stands. A very unique place.
I hope you enjoy the photos and my next installment will be of Amish schoolhouses.
Have a great day and happy scrappin'.

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